

submissions are currently OPEN

We accept unpublished fiction, non-fiction, poetry, photography, cartoons etc. Submissions must be sent as an attachment including a short biography and picture if available. We accept submissions in English, French & Pidgin English and pay a token fee of USD 60 for each accepted piece.


Your biography and email address should be at the end of the word document, which should be sent as an attachment alongside a picture. Please do not name your submission any of the following: “For Bakwa”, “Bakwa”, or “Submission”. An example of how you can name the document you are submitting is; “Fiction Submission by (your name)”, or you can include the title of your piece in the name of the document; “December Rain by Elsa M’Bala”.

We will acquire first time publishing rights and all other rights will revert to the author once published on our website or in print.

All submissions, queries and questions should be sent to