Bakwa Magazine Reading Series No. 1/ Short Story Competition Award Ceremony

Join us for the prize award ceremony of the Bakwa Magazine Short Story Competition, which will feature readings from the shortlisted writers. The Bakwa Magazine Short Story Competition, an ongoing multifaceted project which started in 2016 (in partnership with the…

Short Story Competition Shortlist

    “Bad Lake” by Nkiacha Atemnkeng “Brrrrrrrrr” by A. Bouna Guazong “De passion et d’encre” by Bengono Essola Edouard “Scrap Hunters” by Dipita Kwa     Special Mentions “Cinq minutes” by Mbaya Ombassa Hilaire Christ Loïc “Fanta from America”…

Judging the Bakwa Magazine Short Story Competition

  Edwige-Renée Dro Ahead of tomorrow’s release of the shortlist for our short story competition, one of the judges, Edwige-Renée Dro, shares her thoughts on the stories and Cameroonian writing.   Cliquez ici pour lire la version en français  …

Short Story Competition Judges

Ahead of next month’s release of the shortlisted stories for the Bakwa Magazine Short Story Competition, and Edwige-Renée Dro’s observations on the stories, below is a brief profile of the judges. En vue de la publication de la liste des…

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