The Simpsons and the Challenge of Portraying Believable Nigerian Characters

In the second part of an on-going project on The Simpsons, we asked bloggers, writers, cultural thinkers and academics to comment on the episode “The Princess Guide” [s26 e15]. Below is a selection of the comments, with an introduction by Dzekashu MacViban. 

‘Mexican’ Literature by Raúl Bravo Aduna

The words “Mexican Literature” make me feel uneasy. I hardly know what to do when I come across them. And it is not that I’m not a “good Mexican reader”—whatever that means—, but there’s something about that particular literary label…

Forwards by Jesse Tangen-Mills

For the next 60 seconds, set aside whatever you’re doing and take this opportunity! Let’s see if Satan can stop this.   My grandfather sends forwards. I don’t think many other 87-years-olds use the internet, although in the future they…

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