Q & A with David Shook on Poetry and Translation

  Jack Little (Founding Editor of The Ofi Press magazine in Mexico) interviews David Shook (Founding Editor of Phoneme Media, a nonprofit media company that publishes literature in translation from languages including Isthmus Zapotec, Lingala, Mongolian, and Uyghur). Highlights of…

[Poetry] Languaje by Jack Little

Llenar blank leaves of hojas, wrap them tight in silent ayches, yolling ells. [olas de tears] un ojo wrinkles, the other empalagoso [miss you, querida] raquítico armchair, we slide soñolientamente [I can’t say your name] into tomorrow through archos, sloshways,…

Jack Little : Sometimes foreign writers living in Mexico misconstrue the country in their work

  Jack Little (b. 1987) is a writer from Newcastle, currently based in Mexico City. He has forthcoming poems in Wasafiri, Ink, Sweat and Tears and The Barehands Anthology. He is the founding editor of  The Ofi Press Magazine, which…

Four Poems by Ingrid Valencia

Translated by Jack Little   Intact Certainty is the skin reflected in the water They are the hands that sail in the deep until one denies the horizon sitting on the white stone of old age There is still time…

Four Poems by Jack Little

Old Baobab Great one, rooted in a history Fat to bursting, slumped asleep: Rest your tired grey eyes, Grand and wild- He saw you from The white verandah plains Looking at his land, garden of the ancients In a handful…

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