The Clairvoyant by Joyce Ashuntantang

“The Clairvoyant” by Joyce Ashuntantang is part of #100DaysofAfricanReads (curated by @SisterKilljoy). It relates the moving story of how Ma Bechem, a Cameroonian seer, who is babysitting her daughter’s baby in Connecicut, is sought out by a woman who wants…

Joyce Ashuntantang: Foreign Publishers Determine the Nature of our Stories

“As long as foreign publishers remain the mid-wives of our stories, they will keep determining the nature of these stories.” Joyce Ashuntantang Interviewed by Dibussi Tande   In 2009, Joyce Ashuntantang published a book titled Landscaping Postcoloniality: The Dissemination of…

Anglophone Cameroon Literature: the Travails of a Minority Literature

[Part 1] Oscar C. Labang For a very long time now, I have struggled with inner pressures not to join in this theoretical quibbling about Anglophone Cameroon Literature and just content my soul in a quiet corner and make my…

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