“Great poetry lives in a state of perpetual transformation, perpetual translation: the poem dies when it has no place to go.” (Weinberger, 1987) Poetry translation is an endeavour of passion, for it may bring cultural enrichment but seldom economic…
A Glossary of Things We Need To Unlearn
Join us for a conversation between Nfor Njinyoh (editor, Bakwa Books), Mariette Tchamda (éditions Nuances) and Nchanji Njamnsi (translator) on language variations and translation as an art form. Taking as a start point Walter Benjamin in ‘The Translator’s Task’, when…
Literary Translation Matters Conference
We would like to invite you to the Literary Translation Matters conference hosted by Bakwa on Saturday 26th October. The event will draw upon a wealth and diversity of local translation knowledge and expertise and is supported by the University…