[Short Review] The Chairman of Nigerian Hip Hop

  Dzekashu MacViban A skit which is as outrageous as it is hilarious introduces us to MI’s third album, The Chairman, setting the tone for the album’s treatment of its main thematic concern, which is overcoming the travails one encounters…

Editorial 06

  Our sixth issue, while containing an array of experimental poetry (as well as writing and music supplements) in various creoles and pidgins, also ‘writes back’ to a number of magazines and blogs. This issue opens with Dante Besong’s response…

Three Poems by Minna Salami

Originally published in an anthology titled ‘IF YU HIE SE A DE PRIZIN’’ (Antoloji of puem-dem fo Naija) edited by Edwin Eriata Oribhabor “Ghost” Man Anoda pesin “ghost” don enta mai bodi A no nou im nem Bot a nou…

Call for Submissions

photo credit: Tabifor King “The intelligentsia have always preferred more refined forms of fiction, such as that longtime French intellectual favorite, the psychological novel.”  —Susan Sontag   What happens when literary production is confined to the academia and ‘established’ cultural…

Afrikan Luv Unapologetically Flaunts its African-[ness]

Dzekashu MacViban As a latecomer to the Cameroonian musical scene, hip-hop has been on a gradual but steady rise in an over-congested milieu where, according to Kangsen Feka Wakai, “for at least two decades, it would play fifth fiddle to…

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