
Anaki is an afrofuturistic comic book series by Zebra Comics that relates the story of a girl born with power that is forbidden by the gods of her nation— gods that seek to destroy her as she struggles to survive. Below…


In 13th century Africa, before the transatlantic slave trade, Akam, a young albino boy, through a series of dramatic events, discovers that he is not who he thought he was. This concludes our series of excerpts introducing Zebra comics from Cameroon.


Part of a series of excerpts introducing Zebra comics from Cameroon, Aliya relates the story of a woman whose past, present and future are full of mysteries that began way before she was born.


Tumbu, the first in a series of excerpts introducing Zebra comics from Cameroon, highlights how people relate to life and to each other in very different ways.

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