Sane Sundays

cliquez ici pour lire la version en français Where the sun is brightest, where all the main roads in Kimboh meet, the man sits and glares into thin air. The Harmattan breeze has come with great gifts: pieces of papers…

Spittle Royale

Image Credit: Crazy nook (via shutterstock) Translated from the French by Nchanji M. Njamnsi and Nfor E. Njinyoh cliquez ici pour lire la version en français         The country is anaemic, I’m told Its blood drained by…

Une bataille aux crachats

Image: Crazy nook ( shutterstock) click here to read in English On me dit que le pays est anémié Les vampires l’ont vidé de son sang Que bientôt le rideau des ombres Nous séparera de lui — Géraldin Mpesse « Libérez…

Le crépuscule des âmes sœurs: à l’aube d’une anthologie de nouvelles

Ces nouvelles, appréhendées à travers le prisme de l’empathie, forment un kaléidoscope de réalités et d’expériences qui, en fin de compte, nous dépeignent tous comme des êtres en quête de paix, d’amour, et d’un sentiment d’appartenance.

Your Feet Will Lead You Where Your Heart Is: Introducing a Short Story Anthology

These stories, through the prism of empathy, form a kaleidoscope of realities and experiences that, ultimately, portray us all as beings in quest of peace, love, and a sense of belonging.


Anaki is an afrofuturistic comic book series by Zebra Comics that relates the story of a girl born with power that is forbidden by the gods of her nation— gods that seek to destroy her as she struggles to survive. Below…

Whites Can Dance Too

Translated by Jethro Soutar     Svinesund, 9 August 2008   “When the guns cease to blitz Kuduro still transmits Coz words are more powerful than bullets.”                          …

Partir c’est mourir un peu

Aller à l’étranger quand on est camerounais… Un calvaire selon certains, un conte surréaliste pour d’autres…

Taxi Drivers Who Drive Us Nowhere

Lagos, my friend says, is sick in both senses of the word; a city dealing with Dissociative Identity Disorder, with an emphasis on Dissociative…

How to Eat Roasted Fish in Limbe

(Photo credit: Inna Lazareva)   1. Choose a place. That Limbe is a coastal city means it is literally surrounded by fish. Most people love the proximity of Down Beach, which translates into the nearness to raw material, and comes…

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