Sex As Gender/Power Politics Between Men and Women

 Wirndzerem G. Barfee   One of the first things that after strikes the sensibility of a sensitive reader is the originality of a book’s title. When it comes to poetry; that exigency is doubled. Lum Louisa, on this critical count,…

Four Poems by Fon Tuma

If You Believe the Stories He should never have gone back there for there was nothing left. A familiar familiar blew about the ruins of what was once a great strong-hold Where there should have been time, every other thing…

AYO : Music Is My Therapy

Interviewed by Belinda Otas   With her earnest lyrics, a haunting and soothing sound and a raspy, seductive and magnetic voice, AYO has won adoring fans across Europe, North America and Africa, for her openness which many can relate to.…

Low Ebb for Cameroon Cinema (An Excerpt from The Mwalimu’s Reader)

The state of cinema in Cameroon is an all too brooding subject. This is so because the vacuum created by the absence of home made films in a globalised movie world, makes of us a cultural laughing stock. Not that…

Down Media Memory Lane; A Review of The Mwalimu’s Reader

Dzekashu MacViban       Fervent listeners of the radio programme Cameroon Calling— which has stood the test of time— will see The Mwalimu’s Reader as a time capsule because each piece will take them back to the period during…

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