Partir c’est mourir un peu

Aller à l’étranger quand on est camerounais… Un calvaire selon certains, un conte surréaliste pour d’autres…

Bakwa Reading Series No. 3

Join us for the 3rd edition of the Bakwa Reading Series, which will take place on June 6, 2019, at 5:30 pm, at Kazi Hub in Yaounde. The Bakwa Reading Series is a public event which brings together a wide selection of writers, translators,…

Florian Ngimbis, Écrivaillon prétendument engagé

Bakwacast sits down with Florian Ngimbis —the unapologetic, vociferous, and hilarious—, for conversations on publishing, digital activism, and taking the online impact into the offline world.

Tel: +237652975513



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Bakwa Magazine

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