[Book Review]: Akpeteshie As A Symbol of Power in Benjamin Kwakye’s The Clothes of Nakedness

Kwabena Agyare Yeboah Kwakye left Ghana right after his high school education. In this novel, he set out to write something intimately Ghanaian, something that he might have not experienced in a long while. Or something he would have to…

[Poetry] A Boy by Kwabena Agyare Yeboah

  a boy stands as lost as a strand of pubic hair found in the sponge of lovers on a nuptial night   his story is a note locked in jaws   on this night, he becomes a river jittered…

Stream Jojo Abot's Fyfya Woto EP

[bandcamp width=350 height=588 album=3926583073 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]   FYFYA WOTO is a young Anlo (Ghanaian) woman hungry to be loved. Caught in a compromising situation with her Caucasian lover in a time of slavery and divide, she is brought before…

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