From Afrocentrism to Afropolitanism: Subcultural Journeys in Minna Salami’s Poetry

Dzekashu MacViban Cache by Minna Salami: Weedmark Publishing; 2013, ISBN-13: 978-1-291-31161-7. When Nigerian-Swedish writer Minna Salami released a slim collection of poetry on Valentine’s day last year, I immediately recalled that I’d read her poems sometime in 2010 on the…

[Poetry] Languaje by Jack Little

Llenar blank leaves of hojas, wrap them tight in silent ayches, yolling ells. [olas de tears] un ojo wrinkles, the other empalagoso [miss you, querida] raquítico armchair, we slide soñolientamente [I can’t say your name] into tomorrow through archos, sloshways,…

Three Poems by Minna Salami

Originally published in an anthology titled ‘IF YU HIE SE A DE PRIZIN’’ (Antoloji of puem-dem fo Naija) edited by Edwin Eriata Oribhabor “Ghost” Man Anoda pesin “ghost” don enta mai bodi A no nou im nem Bot a nou…

From Scions of the Malcontent to Men of Contentment

  Wirndzerem G. Barfee     A work of art is, and can be, read from multiple perspectives. One of the most engaging perspectives to read Macviban’s collection, Scions of the Malcontent (SOTM), is by collapsing the opposition between the…

Two Poems by Nfor E. Njinyoh

Design Error   I am a broken toy Shipped late From the factory and have never Caught up with the toys from My batch. Like a limping duck, I lag behind, trying to catch an eye.   On sale At…

Three Poems by Jumoke Verissimo

Voluntary Exile You who ate the light of the sun at dusk the age of your fears is in my head I have seen the consent in your eyes ditch thoughts have formed, water makes a skin on your malar.…

Three Poems by Margarita Ríos-Farjat

  Yearning Translated by Karenina Osnaya   A desert That today is still called Tacubaya. Nothing remains José Emilio Pacheco   It is said by José Emilio that in Tacubaya nothing remained. Octavio Paz always longed for the Mixcoac that…

Four Poems by Ingrid Valencia

Translated by Jack Little   Intact Certainty is the skin reflected in the water They are the hands that sail in the deep until one denies the horizon sitting on the white stone of old age There is still time…

Three Poems by Fernando Bonilla

Images of Power   Images of power Are banging at my door. I woke up smelling The bitterness of the old Puppeteer getting tired, getting angry At me and the rest of the world. They are resented, they despite us,…

Bubbles by Camila de la Parra

  I All my friends have grown up inside bubbles. They float a few centimeters above the soil And swear there’s dirt between their toes. It’s all lies of course, I have seen how their momma’s servants Clean under their…

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