Street poles tell the loudest tales.
Shining above dim corners on a Durban inner city street
A light shines
Revealing lips on the butt at the corner of point road
To the point where lungs have begun to explode
The blow job is her intimate moment with a smoking stick
Beating the pavement with it
Making cockroaches sick
Street Language all the while hits bricks
Words and sounds can be heard by ears of tainted walls
Till sound slowly degenerates into mere vibration
Sound slowly dying before it reaches the end of the road
It is here that this sound will cease being sound and ultimately come to mean nothing.
Sihle Ntuli (@districtmcmxc) is a 23 year old aspiring writer from a township called Kwa-Mashu just outside Durban, He is also a Rhodes University Graduate with honours in Classical studies. His work can be seen on New Coin, Bakwa, Saraba, Itch, The Kalahari Review & The Grounds Ear Anthology among others. Email:
[Poetry] The Silencer by Sihle Ntuli

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