
Anglophone Cameroon Literature: the Travails of a Minority Literature

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Comments (4)
  1. This can be basically an efficient printed compose up, and that i have bookmarked this web site for long term research. Have an awesome day!

  2. Langmia N. Oliver says:

    Quite interesting to be exposed to the need ACWA. Where there is hope, there is life.

  3. Njimele George says:

    You have said it all. How can we go forward when academics with little writing talents yearn to dominate and desecrate Cameroon’s literary landscape with abandon? Look at the books recently prescribed for GCE O/L & A/L literature in our country. The criteria for selection were well outlined, but during the selection processes, those called to select were baffled with dictatorial tendencies bordering on no artistic merits and, eventually, new texts were forced on their throats at short notice. Some panelists, most of whom confided to me, pledging anonymity, were very bitter and dissatisfied. With such gimmicks, who can respect the literary tradition in this country? That sort of epileptic assessment of literature can never happen anywhere in any English-speaking African country. We have lost genuine respect for values and to bring this in the domain of art is pure lunacy, if you ask me. These so-called self-imposed academic writers, have invaded our markets with prosaic write-ups. Literature, full to the brim with trite; pedestrian compositions, coming out from the nooks and crannies of our beloved Republic with no one to caution that we are erring in the extreme. Who dares hold these buzzing neophytes in esteem, safe their adherents and offspring? Some are learning how to write while retired. What a joke, if really, we are talking of literature that shows depth, sublime style, a good command of the subject matter,etc.
    I am not pessimistic. However, unless talent and talent alone is glorified in our literary pursuits, no respectable literary trends will thrive in this land even in the next 50 years to come. All efforts will come to very minimal recognition.

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